November 2023 – Membership Meeting

November 2023 – General Membership Meeting  November 15 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Topic: General Membership Meeting Time: Nov 15, 2023 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 879 7719 7791 Passcode: 509005 Dial by your location +1 647 374 4685 Canada +1 647 558 0588 Canada

Emancipation Day


August 1st, is Emancipation Day. It’s a day to recognize Canada’s history of slavery and discrimination. This date was chosen because August 1, 1834, marks the abolishment of slavery across the British Empire.

This DAY is not just about honouring the past. It continues to have an effect on the lives of African Canadians today.

Recognizing the Act to Abolish Slavery is a step forward in recognizing African Canadian history as part of Canada’s story and teaches the next generation about the shameful and forgotten parts of the past that must not be repeated.

Slavery and segregation created circumstances of marginalization, a cycle of unequal access, lost opportunities and systemic poverty.

Taking the time to learn about our robust history reveals stories of resilience, victories and communities coming together. Recognition leads to understanding and education, which can then lead to action.

This DAY is also about preparing for our future. It is in this preparation and fight for equality that we will prepare the younger generation for success.

From the Executive Board members, trustees and stewards.

Happy Emancipation day to all members of Local 5441

Equality Coordinator,

Cheryl Belgrave