Safety First – Frequently Asked Questions
Safety First is our new safety reporting system effective February 6, 2019 that will be used to track any event that results in or has the potential to result in a negative outcome for the person affected. Safety First is also a tool used by leaders and Patient Relations to track and document follow up related to patient complaints. All staff and physicians should be familiar with how to report a safety event – you can access Safety First through the purple icon on your desktop and intranet.

What is Safety First?
Safety First is our safety event reporting system that we will use to track trends and opportunities to help improve safety, quality, patient experience, occupational health and safety and risk management.

Why are we changing our event reporting system?
We are upgrading our electronic reporting system as part of our commitment to high quality care and better patient experiences. Our upgraded system aligns with best practices, supporting the improvement of overall safety, experience and quality of care.

Where do I go if I have more questions?
Helpdesk is ready to provide additional support as needed:
• Providence: ext. 3000
• St. Joseph’s: ext. 3805
• St. Michael’s: ext. 5751

Reporting a safety event

Who can submit a report?
Anyone with a network/Windows login (staff, physicians, learners) who becomes aware of a safety event or potential safety event can submit a report.

Why should I enter a report?
Reporting actual and potential adverse events is an important strategy for improving the safety of our patients, residents, people and visitors. Safety reporting provides an opportunity to identify trends and opportunities for improvement, as well as track how we follow up on events.

When should I enter a report?
The individual who witnesses or first becomes aware of the safety event should complete a safety report in the Safety First electronic safety reporting system. This should be done as soon as reasonably possible after the event occurs. An event may also include a non-clinical emergency code, such as hazardous floods or spills or infrastructure failure – these events also pose potential safety risks.

How do I find and choose an event category?
Categories can be selected by using the “Find a Form” feature or by clicking on one of the event icons. Select the most appropriate event category based on the details of the event. Some examples include:

• If a patient develops a pressure injury in hospital, you can click on the “Skin/Tissue” icon to access the form
• If a non-clinical emergency code is declared, you can click on the “Non-Clinical Emergency Code” icon
• If you have a patient letter that you’d like to enter as a compliment, you can click on the “Compliment” icon

How do I choose a severity level?
There are six levels of harm, ranging from near miss to death. Choose the one that most appropriately reflects the level of harm at the time the event occurred.

How do I choose a location for an event?
Select the location where the event occurred from the “Location/Department” drop-down menu. If you would like other departments to be notified, you can select these under “Other Departments to be Notified.”

Where can I review the status of my report?
You can review the status of your report by going to your Info Center.

How do I find my Info Center?
Go to the navigation toolbar located on the left side of the icon wall and select the icon. Your Info Center will open and you will see a list of the files you have submitted.

What if I want to save the report and complete it later in my shift?
To save an event as incomplete, go to the “More Actions” button at the bottom right of the screen and then select “Save as Incomplete.” If you do not select this option, the information you have entered will not be saved and you will need to start completing the form from the beginning.

After I submit a report, can I go back into it and make changes if I’ve forgotten something or have new information?
If you have already submitted the report, your manager will have to make the changes for you. If you have additional information to share about the event after you report it, please give this information to them.

How do I enter a downtime report?
There is no downtime report. Please tell your manager about the event and submit a report during your next scheduled shift.

Reporting codes

What codes do I enter under the non-clinical emergency code icon?
The codes included under this icon are all codes other than Code White and Code Yellow.

Does this mean we’re not entering clinical emergency codes anymore?
Any clinical emergency codes which were previously reported should continue to be reported at the individual patient level. Use the Safety/Security form to enter Code White and Code Yellow events.

Who should enter a non-clinical emergency code event?
If the Command Centre is activated for a code, the Command Centre should assign the responsibility for entering the code event report. If the Command Centre is not activated, the area that called the code is responsible for ensuring a report is entered – they may enter it themselves or ensure that the response team will enter it (i.e. for a Code Brown the Environmental Services team may enter it). Multiple submissions for one code will be linked as necessary.

What if a patient or staff safety event has taken place because of a non-clinical code?
If a patient or staff safety event has taken place because of a code, please also complete the appropriate form to capture that safety event. Please note in your description that it was related to a code.

Why does the non-clinical emergency code incident ask about severity of impact/damage and not severity of harm like other safety event reports?
The severity of impact/damage scale in reporting non-clinical emergency codes is meant to capture the impact of the emergency code on the network’s services and physical structures. Severity of harm in other forms is meant to capture impact to people – this is why we encourage you to report any staff or patient safety incident associated with a code through the usual safety reporting route.

Who closes a non-clinical emergency code event?
If the Command Centre is activated for a non-clinical emergency code, the Command Centre should assign the responsibility for closing the event report. If the Command Centre is not activated, the area responsible for leading the response should validate with other key areas that all response measures have been completed and normal operations have been resumed, and report to Emergency Preparedness. Emergency Preparedness will then either close the event report or work with the lead response areas to determine who will close the code.

Inputting patient compliments

What is the Safety First feedback module?
Safety First’s feedback module is used by Patient Relations to document and track patient, family and visitor feedback to better understand our patients’ experience. This module includes a compliment form which is used to document compliment letters from patients and their families. Documenting and tracking patient/family compliments about the care and service they received helps us understand what we’re doing well. It also allows the organization to capture the positive feedback received at the unit level and report it corporately.

Who has access to the feedback module?
Frontline staff have access to the compliment form only. The complaint form is only accessible to Patient Relations. Managers and directors who are involved in investigating concerns are able to view and manage submitted complaint files related to their areas.

How do I submit a compliment?
The compliment form can be located by using the ‘Find a Form’ feature or by clicking the compliment icon.

What kinds of compliments can I submit?
We are currently only accepting compliments in the form of letters or cards from patients or their family members.

How do I complete the compliment form?
Please refer to the submitting a compliment tip sheet on the intranet.

Who will share the compliment with the team or individual who is recognized in the letter?
It is the responsibility of the person who receives the letter to ensure it is given to the manager to share with the individual or team.

What happens after I submit a compliment?
Once you submit a compliment, the Patient Relations office will receive an alert that it has been entered. They will review it and then close the file. Aggregated compliment data and themes are shared with the leadership team.

I received a patient complaint. Should I document it in Safety First?
No. Only Patient Relations can enter complaints into Safety First – they will submit any complaints they receive directly through their office. Every staff member/physician has a responsibility to respond to feedback from patients/residents/families/visitors and to attempt to resolve concerns at the point of service when they are identified. Only if the concern cannot be resolved at that level or the patient/resident/family member/visitor requests independent facilitation of the concern should someone be referred to Patient Relations