Notice of General Membership Meeting

Thursday, January 9th, 2020
4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
St. Joseph’s Health Centre (30 The Queensway) Room: The Collaboratory (adjacent to the Cafeteria)

Agenda includes:

➢ Updates on Local issues (Bargaining, Seniority Lists, Dues implementation, etc.)

➢ Nominations for the position of Local 5441 President, 1st Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Executive Chief Steward, three Trustees and the By-Law Committee (6 positions: 2 per site). In order to be nominated you either need to be at the meeting to accept your nomination, or you need to submit your nomination to someone who will be present at the meeting on your behalf. The nomination should be presented in the following format:
I, (Name of person making the nomination), nominate (Name of Candidate) for the position (Title of the Position) of Local 5441. Both the nominator and the Candidate must sign and date the document.

If more than one candidate is nominated for a position, elections will take place on January 23rd. Voting details to follow.

CUPE 5441 Update

It has been a busy few weeks for our Local. Here is the checklist about where we are at right now:

Clerical Composite Collective Agreement ratified by membership.
➢ Elections for the first UHT Clerical Collective Agreement Bargaining Team will take place in March.

Clerical Merged Seniority List published on Hospital’s Intranet.
➢ Members have until January 15th, 2020 to review the seniority list for any issues. Contact HR ( with any corrections. No revisions will be accepted after January 15th. The Hospital will publish the approved list on January 29th and from that date forward seniority will be used for job postings, lay-off recall etc. in accordance with the Clerical Composite Agreement.

Clerical Disputed Positions. Many Admin. Assistant and Co-ordinator positions remain outstanding.
➢ If the parties do not reach agreement on these by the end of January, the dispute will be taken to the Labour Board for a decision.

Service Composite Collective Agreement bargaining is completed.
➢ Ratification of the interim Composite Agreement will be on January 8th from 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. at each site. Rooms to be confirmed.
➢ Elections for the first UHT Service Collective Agreement Bargaining Team will take place in March.

Service Merged Seniority List will be published on the intranet by January 17th, 2020.
➢ Service members will have until Friday, January 31st to review the seniority list for any issues. Contact Human Resources ( with any corrections. No revisions will be accepted after January 31st. The Hospital will publish the approved list on February 14th and from that date forward seniority will be used for job postings, lay-off recall etc. in accordance with the Service Composite Agreement.

Chaplains Scope Clause Dispute. Minutes of Settlement were agreed to at the Labour Board for a process to deal with the question of who is in or out of the bargaining unit.
➢ The Hospital’s submission is due this month, the Union’s response is due in January, and then a date will be scheduled for a hearing.

Chaplains Bargaining. We have eight more days scheduled for January and February.
➢ A unit specific membership meeting for Chaplains will be held on January 20th, 2020 from 5:30-8:00 p.m. at Metropolitan United Church. Please come out for updates on bargaining and Union Structure discussions related to your unit.

C&W Services at Providence
➢ A unit specific meeting will be held on January 7th from 12:00-1:30 p.m. at Providence, for the unit to vote on formally joining Local 5441.

Outstanding grievances at St. Michael’s. Over 40 grievances remain from 2018/2019 to be scheduled for hearing in the new year.
➢ A small sub-committee is meeting this week to review the grievances and begin contacting the grievors. In January, a dedicated CUPE National Staff person will be assigned to assist in preparing the files, attempting to reach settlements, or scheduling the files for hearing dates.

Union dues rate of 1.7% of regular wages was voted on and approved by the membership.
➢ The new Union dues rate will take effect for all Service and Clerical members with the first full pay period in January.

Local Union Structure was voted on and approved by the membership.
➢ We are awaiting formal approval of the document from CUPE National President’s Office.
➢ Nominations for the position of Local 5441 President, 1st Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Executive Chief Steward, three Trustees and the By-Law Committee will be accepted at the January 9th, 4-6 p.m. General Membership meeting being held at St. Joe’s in the Collaboratory (adjacent to the Cafeteria).
• In order to be nominated you either need to be at the meeting on January 9th to accept your nomination, or you need to submit your nomination to someone who will be present at the meeting on your behalf. The nomination should be presented in the following format:
• I, (Name of person making the nomination), nominate (Name of Candidate) for the position (Title of the Position) of Local 5441. Both the nominator and the Candidate must sign and date the document.

Election Day is January 23rd for President, 1st Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Executive Chief Steward, three Trustees and the By-Law Committee who will represent all the members at all three sites.
➢ Nominations and elections for all other positions will take place in February and March.
All information and documentation related to this update and events in our Local can be found on our website:

A reminder that we need your personal email addresses in order to communicate effectively. Please be sure to send it to if you are from St. Mike’s, or your Local officers at St. Joe’s & Providence if you have not already done so.
Thank you!

Draft Clerical Seniority List

Please review the draft clerical seniority list that is available on the Hospital’s Intranet. The list shows seniority as of May 25, 2019.
Any issues need to be raised to the Hospital no later than January 15, 2020.

Please contact the HR department ( with evidence of your employment/hours if you believe there is an error on the list.

No changes will be accepted after January 15, 2020.

Two important votes this week!

Please take note that there are two votes happening this week. On Wednesday, all Service and Clerical members can vote on our union structure proposal. On Friday, all Clerical members will have a ratification vote on the composite agreement. See below for details on both.

Union Structure Proposal

Wednesday, December 11th ~ 7:00am – 7:00pm

SERVICE AND CLERICAL VOTE On Union Structure Proposal & on Union Dues Rate of 1.7%

St. Mike’s Upper Marketeria / St. Joe’s Sunnyside Rm 143 / Providence CC301

View post with all relevant documents

** Please bring your Hospital or Picture ID in order to be eligible to Vote**

Ratification Vote:  CUPE Clerical Members Only

Fri. Dec. 13th 11:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

St. Joseph’s: SB 113

St. Michael’s: Bond Wing Room 2010 (2nd Floor) – Paul & Evelyn Higgins Conference Room

Providence: Cafeteria

Ratification vote to approve the Clerical Composite Agreement covering Job Security, Seniority, Grievance Procedure & Lay-off/Recall language. The document will be presented at the meeting.

** Please bring your Hospital or Picture ID in order to be eligible to Vote**

The clerical merged seniority list should also be available for review at the voting stations

Vote on local structure and dues

In November, representatives from clerical and service at St. Joe’s,
Providence, and St. Mike’s , and from UHT chaplains and C&W
(housekeeping at Providence) met to develop a new local structure that will
ensure all members are represented, that all members will have a voice, and
that will ensure we are in a strong position for the rounds of bargaining
ahead. With the committee’s unanimous support, this plan is now coming to
members for a vote.

Let’s build an inclusive, activist union we can all be proud of

Please plan to attend an information sesson and the December 11 vote.

Tuesday, December 3
Bond Place Hotel, Cambridge Room
65 Dundas Street East
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Thursday, December 5
10 a.m. to 12 p.m. – Houses Conference Room 2nd Floor
12 p.m. to 2 p.m. – CC301
4 p.m. to 6 p.m. – CC303

Friday, December 6
St. Joe’s – Sunnyside Lounge
11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
5 p.m. to 7 p.m.


Wednesday, December 11
7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

St. Mike’s – Upper Marketeria
St. Joe’s – Sunnyside Room 143
Providence – CC301

CUPE 5441 structure, budget and dues recommendations

As promised during the merger campaign, CUPE brought together representatives from all sites to work collaboratively on developing a structure for the new CUPE 5441 – UHT Local. This group of representatives is known as the CUPE Local 5441 Union Restructuring Committee and is composed of members from:

• St Joe’s, Providence and St Mike’s Clerical members;
• St Joe’s, Providence and St Mike’s Service members;
• UHT Chaplains; and
• C&W (housekeeping at Providence)

The committee met from November 19 to 22 to develop a new local structure which is being brought to the membership for approval.

The committee, with the support of CUPE National Staff, was formed to evaluate and determine the needs of the new local and its 3300 members across the city.

The committee unanimously supports a new structure they feel will ensure all members are represented and in which all members will have a voice. The new structure will ensure our new local is strong and can take on the difficult rounds of bargaining ahead of us, as well as confronting any challenges to healthcare brought on by the Conservative Government under Doug Ford. (See structure document for info on the new structure).

The Union Structure Committee also developed a proposed budget to support Local 5441’s new structure (see back page for proposed interim budget) and recommend a dues rate to members that will support the budget and new structure. The committee unanimously supported the proposed interim budget and a dues rate of 1.7% to achieve this budget and level of servicing.

Notice of membership meeting

Monday, December 2nd, 2019

12:00p.m. – 2:00p.m,
Bond Hotel (65 Dundas St. E.)
Piccadilly Room


4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
St. Joseph’s Health Centre (30 The Queensway)
Sunnyside Lounge

Presentation and notice of motion for:

  1. The Interim Local Union Structure
  2. The Union Dues Rate and Union finances
  3. Opening of Nomination Period for Elected Officers

The same information will be presented at both meetings. A vote on the Union Structure & the Union Dues Rate will occur the following week on December 11th. Voting details to follow.

Member Update

Building our new CUPE 5441 union at Unity Health Toronto (UHT) is an exciting prospect. With more than 3200 clerical, service/RPN and chaplain/spiritual care members working at three separate UHT sites (St. Joseph’s, St. Michael’s and Providence hospitals) in different corners of the city, it will also be a unique challenge.


Please plan to attend the inaugural meeting of CUPE 5441 on Tuesday, November 12 at 6 p.m. at Providence Healthcare UHT campus, 3276 St. Clair Avenue East, Room C3302.*

Can’t make it to the meeting in person? Join us November 12 on the phone by calling: 1-877-229-8493 Access code: 114211#

(*Until there are new CUPE 5441 by-laws in place, the site location for future CUPE 5441 membership meetings will alternate between the three UHT hospital campuses.)

Join the Toronto health care rally on November 9 in the City Hall square.

On November 9 at 12 noon in Nathan Philips Square (Toronto City Hall), there is a pro-public health care rally organized by the Ontario Health Coalition (OHC). Thousands of GTA hospital and health care workers and activists, including hundreds from our union, the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), will be there.

We urge you to attend and make this the first OHC rally that we participate in as our own union local, CUPE 5441.

Here is some more important information

Although chaplains, clerical and service staff working at the three UHT hospital campuses, on paper, still have separate contracts, we are moving forward as one collective union – CUPE 5441. This unified approach is key as we negotiate new contracts with the employer.

  • A new structure that works for all CUPE 5441 members and that ensures representation from each of the bargaining units, as well as each of the hospital sites, is being developed.
    • To create a new structure that works for everyone, we’re planning meetings with the existing CUPE locals’ executives, clerical representatives, chaplain representatives, and some of the previous SEIU-elected stewards, along with newly elected Service members from St. Mike’s, who wish to participate in a working group.
    • It’s important that this process be inclusive and transparent.
    • Once this working group has come to a consensus on what the new structure should look like, it will be brought to the CUPE 5441 membership to be voted on, along with a common union dues rate.
  • Once the structure is in place, elections for the executive of CUPE 5441 will take place for the new local.
  • In addition, new local by-laws will need to be established and voted on by the CUPE 5441 membership. Before we get to that vote, we will need to elect a by-laws committee. Elections for this important committee will be held in the near future. Check the CUPE 5441 website for updates.

Union dues – what you should know.

  • Any union dues that were normally remitted to SEIU will now be held in trust by CUPE National until a new CUPE 5441 treasurer is elected. Following the election of a CUPE 5441 treasurer, CUPE 1590 and CUPE 1144 monies will be transferred to CUPE 5441. Those members who were previously non-union members and not paying dues, will start remitting dues once the composite collective agreement is in place in the next few months.
  • Look for a bargaining-specific member newsletter update later this month.

We want to hear from you

  • If you are a member that is new to CUPE and you work at St. Mike’s in either Service or Clerical, you can contact any of the stewards posted on the bulletin board, or you can contact your CUPE National Representative Barbara Frey ( if you need further assistance after working with a steward.
  • If you work at St. Joe’s, you can contact Mike Brito (, the Chief Steward at St. Joe’s, or any of the CUPE 1144 executive or stewards.
  • Those members working at Providence, please contact CUPE 1590 president Daniel Callaghan (, or any CUPE 1590 executive member or steward.