Notice of membership meeting

Monday, December 2nd, 2019

12:00p.m. – 2:00p.m,
Bond Hotel (65 Dundas St. E.)
Piccadilly Room


4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
St. Joseph’s Health Centre (30 The Queensway)
Sunnyside Lounge

Presentation and notice of motion for:

  1. The Interim Local Union Structure
  2. The Union Dues Rate and Union finances
  3. Opening of Nomination Period for Elected Officers

The same information will be presented at both meetings. A vote on the Union Structure & the Union Dues Rate will occur the following week on December 11th. Voting details to follow.

Member Update

Building our new CUPE 5441 union at Unity Health Toronto (UHT) is an exciting prospect. With more than 3200 clerical, service/RPN and chaplain/spiritual care members working at three separate UHT sites (St. Joseph’s, St. Michael’s and Providence hospitals) in different corners of the city, it will also be a unique challenge.


Please plan to attend the inaugural meeting of CUPE 5441 on Tuesday, November 12 at 6 p.m. at Providence Healthcare UHT campus, 3276 St. Clair Avenue East, Room C3302.*

Can’t make it to the meeting in person? Join us November 12 on the phone by calling: 1-877-229-8493 Access code: 114211#

(*Until there are new CUPE 5441 by-laws in place, the site location for future CUPE 5441 membership meetings will alternate between the three UHT hospital campuses.)

Join the Toronto health care rally on November 9 in the City Hall square.

On November 9 at 12 noon in Nathan Philips Square (Toronto City Hall), there is a pro-public health care rally organized by the Ontario Health Coalition (OHC). Thousands of GTA hospital and health care workers and activists, including hundreds from our union, the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), will be there.

We urge you to attend and make this the first OHC rally that we participate in as our own union local, CUPE 5441.

Here is some more important information

Although chaplains, clerical and service staff working at the three UHT hospital campuses, on paper, still have separate contracts, we are moving forward as one collective union – CUPE 5441. This unified approach is key as we negotiate new contracts with the employer.

  • A new structure that works for all CUPE 5441 members and that ensures representation from each of the bargaining units, as well as each of the hospital sites, is being developed.
    • To create a new structure that works for everyone, we’re planning meetings with the existing CUPE locals’ executives, clerical representatives, chaplain representatives, and some of the previous SEIU-elected stewards, along with newly elected Service members from St. Mike’s, who wish to participate in a working group.
    • It’s important that this process be inclusive and transparent.
    • Once this working group has come to a consensus on what the new structure should look like, it will be brought to the CUPE 5441 membership to be voted on, along with a common union dues rate.
  • Once the structure is in place, elections for the executive of CUPE 5441 will take place for the new local.
  • In addition, new local by-laws will need to be established and voted on by the CUPE 5441 membership. Before we get to that vote, we will need to elect a by-laws committee. Elections for this important committee will be held in the near future. Check the CUPE 5441 website for updates.

Union dues – what you should know.

  • Any union dues that were normally remitted to SEIU will now be held in trust by CUPE National until a new CUPE 5441 treasurer is elected. Following the election of a CUPE 5441 treasurer, CUPE 1590 and CUPE 1144 monies will be transferred to CUPE 5441. Those members who were previously non-union members and not paying dues, will start remitting dues once the composite collective agreement is in place in the next few months.
  • Look for a bargaining-specific member newsletter update later this month.

We want to hear from you

  • If you are a member that is new to CUPE and you work at St. Mike’s in either Service or Clerical, you can contact any of the stewards posted on the bulletin board, or you can contact your CUPE National Representative Barbara Frey ( if you need further assistance after working with a steward.
  • If you work at St. Joe’s, you can contact Mike Brito (, the Chief Steward at St. Joe’s, or any of the CUPE 1144 executive or stewards.
  • Those members working at Providence, please contact CUPE 1590 president Daniel Callaghan (, or any CUPE 1590 executive member or steward.

Get to know your union: What does our local union structure look like?

Current CUPE 5441 representation at Unity Health Toronto (UHT).

Current elected executive & stewards.

Appointed interim stewards with expertise & training.

Current elected executive & stewards for both service & new clerical.

Assigned CUPE National Staff and hospital sector team.

Where are we now?

Scheduling training for new stewards happens in November & December.

A restructuring committee with representation from all three UHT sites is being established. This committee participates in a discussion on the process and structure for the new CUPE 5441 local.

Next steps

  • Members vote on proposed structure & on common CUPE 5441 dues rate.
  • CUPE 5441 elections for all executive offices & stewards for all sites; clerical, service & chaplains.
  • CUPE 5441 members elect by-law committee.By-law committee prepares new CUPE 5441 by-laws.
  • Members vote on new CUPE 5441 by-laws.

Getting new contracts: What CUPE 5441 members should know

CUPE 5441 (which includes about 3500 Unity Health Toronto (UHT) clerical, service and spiritual care practitioners employees) are now officially certified as one united CUPE Local.

Working terms & conditions are FROZEN.

There are no changes to your current terms of employment & working conditions until a complete new collective agreement is ratified. This will come at different times for each bargaining unit within CUPE 5441. 

Where are we now?

  • Spiritual Care Practitioners have completed bargaining their first Collective Agreement and ratified it.
  • Negotiate interim composite agreements for CUPE 5441 clerical & service (composite agreements include some CUPE language for all members for seniority, layoff/recall, grievances, job postings).

What’s going to happen soon?

  • CUPE 5441 clerical & service members vote to ratify a complete new collective agreement.
  • CUPE 5441 bargaining committees work towards completing wage harmonization for clerical & service.
  • C&W Services will elect their bargaining committee and prepare proposals during Summer 2021.

UHT Refusing to Bargain a 1st Contract for Spiritual Care workers

UHT Wont Bargain a 1st Contract for Chaplains – Wants to Take Positions out of the Union.

CUPE’s Chaplain Bargaining Committee has been negotiating with UHT for a first collect agreement.

After 9 days of bargaining NOTHING has been agreed to.

The employer refuses to bargain until there is an agreement to exclude some union positions from the bargaining unit.

Refusing to negotiate a contract until the bargaining unit description issue is resolved violates the Labour Relations Act.

CUPE has filed for conciliation and has lodged an Unfair Labour Practice complaint to push the employer back to the table and to bargain in good faith.


  • You have a clear legal right to wear a sticker in the hospital.
  • CUPE has advised the hospital that CUPE members will be wearing stickers
  • CUPE will take action if the hospital asks you to remove them.
  • Get your sticker from your local executives or from one of our organizers who will be distributing them starting on August 15th.

Clerical at UHT vote overwhelmingly in favour of CUPE

348 CUPE members at St. Joseph’s Health Centre Toronto will continue to be represented by CUPE. And, approximately 700 non-union clerical employees at Providence Healthcare Toronto and St. Michael’s Hospital will now also be represented by CUPE.


Regardless of the interference from the employer and SEIU to try and persuade workers to vote non-union, the vote results are:

  • 533 in favour of CUPE representation
  • 168 against

CUPE welcomes all the new members at Unity Health Toronto to CUPE. These new members will officially be represented by CUPE once a final decision comes from the Ontario Labour Relations Board which takes approximately 2 weeks.

Once this happens CUPE will be setting up a meeting for this new CUPE clerical group. Watch for details!