National Safe Union Spaces Working Group


Brothers, sisters, and friends,

Please see below for an important message from CUPE’s National Safe Union Spaces Working Group.

In solidarity,

National President
National Secretary-Treasurer

Brothers, sisters, and friends,

Earlier this year, CUPE created a National Safe Union Spaces Working Group to address serious concerns about gender-based violence and other forms of harassment and discrimination in our union.

Our Working Group, advised by expert external consultants, has been reviewing CUPE’s existing tools and processes, identifying gaps where we need changes or additional resources to ensure safer union spaces for all members.

As part of this important effort, we are launching a survey. The survey will be open for two weeks (closing September 28).

We encourage you to participate in this survey, and to share it widely in your CUPE networks, including social media. Your active participation in the distribution of this survey will be key to the project’s success.

We acknowledge that these issues are widespread. All of us must work together to change this situation. We need you to help us identify actions we can take and policies we can adopt to make CUPE more welcoming for every member.

Violence, harassment, and discrimination seriously undermine union solidarity. Until all of us are safe, none of us are safe.

In solidarity,

The National Safe Union Spaces Working Group

Judy Henley
Sherry Hillier
Lee-Anne Kalen
Yolanda McClean
Nan McFadgen
Debra Merrier
Barb Nederpel
Carole Neill
Karen Ranalletta
Candace Rennick

Directive #6 Information

Directive #6 Information Meeting with OCHU/Goldblatt

Wednesday September 1, 2021 at 5pm to 7pm

Click Image Below for ZOOM Meeting

Meeting ID: 824 2515 8213
Passcode: 849160 One tap mobile

Dial by your location
+1 438 809 7799 Canada
+1 587 328 1099 Canada
+1 647 374 4685 Canada
+1 647 558 0588 Canada
+1 778 907 2071 Canada
+1 204 272 7920 Canada
Meeting ID: 824 2515 8213
Passcode: 849160


Read about directive #6 Here

Sharing Circle 2021

Sharing Circle 2021

Join us for a small and intimate sharing circle hosted by Grandmother Irene Compton, brought to you by CUPE’s Union Education and Human Rights branches.

NOTE: This event is intended for CUPE members who self-identify as Indigenous. We welcome all First Nations, Métis, Inuit and other self-identifying Indigenous peoples who wish to register. Registration is limited to 12 participants. Following the circle, you will receive an email with some resources you can use if you require further emotional support or assistance.

Please register by August 30th, 2021.

When: September 1, 2021
Time: 1 p.m. EST
Format: Via Zoom
How to register: Sharing Circle 2021

Sign Up, Win Prizes

Sign up below for a chance to win a chrome book and various gift cards, the draws will happen on August 30, 2021.  Winners will be announced shortly after.

If you previously signed up, you will automatically be entered into the draw.


Dear Sisters and Brothers, 

The Employer has changed carriers for our benefits from Sunlife to Desjardins. Hopefully, everyone has received their packages with their cards and has checked to make sure that everything is in order.  

It is important to make sure that your benefits are as you had previously. Please check that everything is correct, for example, beneficiaries, spouse, children etc. 

Desjardins being the new policy holder, may lead to some changes that the union might not be aware of. Until we receive the appropriate documents from the Employer about this new policy your help reaching out to us is greatly appreciated!  

 If anyone has any issues or has not been reimbursed for the benefits, please contact the union as soon as possible with any issues you may have so we can then get this corrected.   

 Thank you in advance for your attention to this important matter. 

 In solidarity,    


Click the image below for more information.