GMM Minutes

General Membership Meeting                          Prepared by J. Amaral

December 21, 2022  12pm-2pm

Chairperson Rahel Woldeselassie


AGENDA FOR WEDNESDAY December 21, 2022 – Chairperson Rahel Woldeselassie


  1. Reading of the Equality Statement – Rahel


  1. Acknowledgment of Indigenous territory – Kay


  1. Roll call of officers – Jason


Interim President 1st Vice President –  Rahel Woldeselassie

St. Michael’s Hospital Site Vice President & Interim First Vice-President – Demetri Klerides

Secretary-Treasurer – Michael Couto

Recording-Secretary – Jason Amaral

St. Michael’s Hospital Site Vice-President – Scott Vargas

Providence Healthcare Site Vice-President – Jenn Wilson

St. Joseph’s Health Centre Site Vice President – Kay Jones

GDI Bargaining Unit Vice-President – Gabriel Lopez

SCP Bargaining Unit Vice-President – Jamie Villeneuve

3-Year Trustee – Beverly Semple

2-year Trustee – Marcian Cotter with regrets

1-Year Trustee – Hayat Monfaredi

Equality Coordinator Cheryl Belgrave – with regrets

COMPASS Bargaining Unit Vice-President – Patrick Arriola – with regrets


Special Guest Attendees from CUPE National

Barbara Frey

Janette Krajci


Quorum Reached. 30 in attendance


  1. Adopt Agenda – Chair


Motion to adopt December 2022 GMM Agenda


Rahel         2nd Joseph Dias





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  1. New members Oath and Initiation (MIGS) – Rahel



  1. Reading of the November 2022 GMM Minutes – Rahel


Motion to adopt November 2022 GMM Minutes as published on the CUPE5441 website December 14, 2022


Rahel         2nd Jamie V.





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Rahel Concedes Chair to Demetri Klerides


  1. Matters arising From the October 2022 GMM Minutes –Rahel


Elections concluded with newly elected and acclaimed officers for the following positions:


Elected Officers:

2-Year Term Trustee Marcian Cotter

Compass Bargaining Unit Vice-President – Patrick Arriola



Acclaimed and Elected Stewards:


St. Michael’s (Service)
Antonio Malungo
Carlos Moreno
Patrick Lynch
Hayat Monfaredi
Nadine Dawkins (RPN)
Roy Vargas
Francisco Vega Jamaica
Hailey Simpson
Kyle Reid
Wendy McGrath (RPN)
Isagani Estrella (RPN)
Tatiana Bascou


St. Michael’s (Clerical)
Jo Anne Harris
Gordon Clarke
Marlon Morris
Mary Garavellas
Tracey Gomes
Daiana Duca
Shaun Howie
Adelina Matlliu


St. Joseph’s Health Centre (Service)

April Lyn Limbo (RPN)

Stacey Wynter (RPN)

Ryan Singh

Julian Harney

Alexia Dinham

David Streit

Luiza Viadoniga


St. Joseph’s Health Centre (Clerical)

Joseph Dias

Jacqueline Hutchinson

Travis Mellish

Shannon Russell

Susan Reynolds Crockett


Providence (Service)
Raquell Russell (RPN)
Beverly Semple
Lisa Wilson
Hristina Chorolovski
Susan Lindeman


Providence (Clerical)

Wanda Inwood



Ana Lopez

Suzy Tasayco

SCP\PHC Rheal Brussiere



Motion to adopt the Matters Arising from the minutes


Demetri     2nd Rheal Brussiere





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  1. Recording Secretary’s November 2022 Financial Report



Motion to enter the Recording Secretary’s November 2022 Financial Report as presented



Michael      2nd Jason





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  1. Executive Board Report


We have collectively met with our allies in Area 3 which are all the GTA hospitals and as well know, the last few years have been tremulous. However, we overturned Bill 28, and now the Provincial Courts have overturned Bill 124, deeming it unconstitutional and an overreach of the Ford Government on our Charter Rights. In the new coming days, we will be waiting for any announcement of submissions from Premier Ford for an appeal to the decision, which at that point it will go to the Supreme Courts to review and make a decision. This can take upwards of 5-6 years. We have held off the ratification vote on our new collective agreement. If there is no appeal, we collectively fight for better wages, better benefits, and better working conditions today. If there is an appeal, then we will be providing you with communications on how we will be proceeding. Together with your elected bargaining team and Executive, we have jointly bargained in good faith representing everyone for this collective agreement and will be going into bargaining again next year.


Implementation for the Central Award from OCHU we will be receiving:


RETRO 1% wage increase for the duration of September 29, 2021 – September 2022

RETRO 1% wage increase for September 29, 2022 – November 18, 2022.


And as of November 19, 2022, onwards, a 2% wage increase should be already reflected in your paystubs beginning with December 9, 2022. If there are any discrepancies with this,s please contact compensation via email at first await a response and then contact your respective Site Vice-Presidents if their response is unsatisfactory.


Motion to enter the Executive Board as read:


Rahel         2nd Jason



Q: Is Retro from 2019

A: No, 2021


Q: When is the pay for retro going to be deposited?  We need some communications for accessibility.

A: No payment on December 26.  Payroll is dealing with other retro payments.  Payment will be in January 2023 sometime (Clerical).  We announced this in the November GMM Minutes. We will send out communications regarding the December 25 retro payments as published by OCHU.  We’ve asked for retro payment breakdown on the paystubs from the employer


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  1. Grievance Committee Report – Rahel



Motion to enter the December 2022 Grievance Committee Report as presented


Rahel        2nd Jenn Wilson




Q: Has there been any update on the COVID/VAX cases?

A: We have an upcoming meeting with the employer on Jan 27 2023.  We previously had a meeting with these members whereas OCHU and our Lawyer from Goldblatt LLP were invited to share their thoughts.


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  1. Recording Secretary’s Job Transaction Reports for October and November 2022


Motion to enter the Recording Secretary’s Job Transaction Reports for October and November 2022 as presented


Jason            2nd Scott



Q: What is the purpose of capturing this data and presenting this report when the employer clearly knows that jobs are not being posted for vacancies?

A: The scope of this report is in the introduction.  SMH Site VPs spoke with the Linen managers about job postings.  The reason why they are vacant is because no one is applying for them.  There’s also some other HR issues.  Also, the data collected in this report gives the Execs some “ammo” when we grieve the discrepancies.


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Starbucks Cards. For those who have ordered their Starbucks Cards online before the September 21, 2022, deadline, please connect with your Site Vice-Presidents to receive them beginning in the new year, January 9, 2023. We will not be facilitating Swag retrieval for the rest of December 2022 beginning tomorrow


Kay to connect with Frank Perri regarding pickup times


  1. New Business


Beginning January 3, 2023, at President’s Corner over ZOOM, I will commit to my availability from 0930-1700 every Tuesday.  This is for any member who would like to connect. It will be private, and breakout rooms will be created if there are multiple persons on at a time. This is to support members.


Our Local Office will be closed for any in-person meetings beginning December 23, 2022 – January 2, 2023, inclusive. The holiday schedule will be posted on the website for whom to contact during those times on our website by Thursday, December 22, 2022.


BIG news we will be posting a job posting tomorrow for applications for Membership Communications Officer. If you feel you qualify for the position or know someone who does, please direct them to submit a cover letter and resume to Jason Amaral at, and those who qualify for the position will be selected to interview. The posting will be up on December 22, 2022, and will come down at midnight on December 29, 2022.

Q: Please explain the OT issue for some groups of employees and not others during the Holidays.

A: This is a Non-Union issue.  It was only offered to front-facing Patient support roles.  This is their initiative, not ours.  The onus is on the employer to send out communications re: OT pay during the holidays.  We believe the OT was offered to reduce sick calls from the employees.


Q: Multiple positions has become an issue @ PHC.  Why?

A: We’ve discussed this with Labour Relations numerous times.  We’ve asked them to update their policy specific to each site regarding multiple positions.  We’ve also asked them to create an updated UHT policy on the issue.  So far at SMH, you can only have a Casual+Casual multiple employment.


Q: There seems to be a contracting out issue with cafeteria @ SJHC.  They are now closing @ 3:30pm when they used to stay open until dinner.  They’ve introduces heating machines that take away our work.  Please advise.

A: Strange as SJHC cafeteria is always full and busy.  We will monitor the situation if hours begin to get cut.




Demetri Concedes Chair to Rahel Woldeselassie




Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and we all hope you have a wonderful end and start to the new year. Stay Safe!





Rahel       2nd Demetri





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