2022 Elections – Stewards/Trustee (2 Year Term)/Compass Bargaining Unit VP

CUPE 5441 Notice of Elections:


Ballots for Stewards (Site-Specific: By-law [9 (j) iv].) will be emailed on Thursday, November 24, 2022, at noon.  The vote will end on Sunday, November 27, 2022, at noon.


PHC: Service: 5 (minimum 1 RPN)

SMH: Service: 12 (minimum 2 RPN’s)

Clerical: 8


Ballots for Compass Bargaining-Unit Vice-President will be emailed on Thursday, November 24, 2022, at noon.  The vote will end on Sunday, November 27, 2022, at noon.

Bargaining Unit specific voting (only members of the Bargaining Unit may vote for this position. By-law [10 (c) 5]):

Bargaining Unit Vice-President for Compass ~ 3-year term


 Ballots for Trustee (2 Year term) will be emailed on Thursday, December 1, 2022, at 1pm.  The vote will end on Sunday, December 4, 2022, at 1pm.


General Membership voting (any member from any Site/Bargaining may vote for this position): 

Trustee (1 position) ~ 2-year term


The complete by-laws can be found on our website: www.cupe5441.ca


for voting assistance, please join the zoom below :


Meeting ID: 704 068 8153
Passcode: 5441

or email
