General Membership Meeting November 2022

General Membership Meeting on ZOOM – Wednesday, 16th, 2022 (5pm-7pm)

Meeting ID: 875 5864 5102
Passcode: 180991

Dial by your location
+1 647 374 4685 Canada
+1 647 558 0588 Canada



CUPE 5441 Notice of Nominations for Service and Clerical Stewards,

and Compass Bargaining Unit Vice-President and two year Trustee:

The following positions are open for nominations:

Site specific and Bargaining Unit specific voting (only members of the Site and/or Bargaining Unit may nominate/vote for these positions):

[10 (c) 5]

PHC:               Service: 5 (with at minimum 1 RPN)
Clerical: 1

SMH:              Service: 12 (with at minimum 2 RPN’s)
Clerical: 8

SJHC:             Service: 12 (with at minimum 2 RPN’s)
Clerical: 6

GDI:                Three (3)
SCP:               1 PHC, 1 SJHC

Bargaining Unit Vice-President (1 for Compass) ~ 3-year term


General Membership voting (any member from any Site/Bargaining Unit may nominate/vote for this position): 

Trustee (1 position) ~ 2-year term 


Nominations will be received at the General Membership Meeting in accordance with CUPE Local 5441 By-Laws Section 10, as outlined below. The complete by-laws can be found on our website:

  1. (a) 3. Nominations will be accepted from members in good standing in attendance at the nomination meeting(s).
  1. (a) 4. A member seeking nomination shall be present when nominations are called at the membership meeting, or have provided consent to stand for a position, in writing prior to the meeting (See Appendix E Consent Form). This signed copy of consent of the nominee to let their name stand for a position, co-signed by the nominator, must be provided to the Recording-Secretary either by a physical paper copy or via email no later than noon of the day the nomination meeting is held. The Recording-Secretary will present such nomination on the nominator’s or nominee’s behalf if they cannot be in attendance. Nominations received under this paragraph will be open twenty (20) calendar days prior to the membership meeting.
  1. a) 5. To be eligible for nomination, the nominee must have been accepted into membership and continue to be a member in good standing.

                     In accordance with the above, nominations made in writing on the proper form must be received by the Recording Secretary between October 27 and November 16 at noon. Members can also be nominated at the GMM on November 16, 2022, if they are in attendance to accept the nomination in person over Zoom.


CUPE 5441 Notice of Elections:


The names of candidates running for each position will be posted after the Nomination Meeting on Wednesday, November 16, 2022.


Site and Bargaining Unit Specific Voting:

Ballots for Stewards and Compass Bargaining-Unit Vice-President will be emailed on Thursday, November 24th, 2022, at noon. The vote will end on Sunday, November 27th, 2022, at noon.


General Membership (all Sites and Units) Voting:

Ballots for Trustee will be emailed on Thursday, December 1, 2022, at noon. The vote will end on Sunday, December 4, 2022, at noon.


Voting Assistance information will be posted after nominations.

If you have any questions about joining the General Membership Meeting, please contact

If you have questions about the Nomination or Voting process, please contact your Voting Committee:

PHC – Lisa Wilson
SMH – Nadine Dawkins
SJHC – David Streit