
Dear Sisters and Brothers, 

The Employer has changed carriers for our benefits from Sunlife to Desjardins. Hopefully, everyone has received their packages with their cards and has checked to make sure that everything is in order.  

It is important to make sure that your benefits are as you had previously. Please check that everything is correct, for example, beneficiaries, spouse, children etc. 

Desjardins being the new policy holder, may lead to some changes that the union might not be aware of. Until we receive the appropriate documents from the Employer about this new policy your help reaching out to us is greatly appreciated!  

 If anyone has any issues or has not been reimbursed for the benefits, please contact the union as soon as possible with any issues you may have so we can then get this corrected.   

 Thank you in advance for your attention to this important matter. 

 In solidarity,    


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