As promised during the merger campaign, CUPE brought together representatives from all sites to work collaboratively on developing a structure for the new CUPE 5441 – UHT Local. This group of representatives is known as the CUPE Local 5441 Union Restructuring Committee and is composed of members from:
• St Joe’s, Providence and St Mike’s Clerical members;
• St Joe’s, Providence and St Mike’s Service members;
• UHT Chaplains; and
• C&W (housekeeping at Providence)
The committee met from November 19 to 22 to develop a new local structure which is being brought to the membership for approval.
The committee, with the support of CUPE National Staff, was formed to evaluate and determine the needs of the new local and its 3300 members across the city.
The committee unanimously supports a new structure they feel will ensure all members are represented and in which all members will have a voice. The new structure will ensure our new local is strong and can take on the difficult rounds of bargaining ahead of us, as well as confronting any challenges to healthcare brought on by the Conservative Government under Doug Ford. (See structure document for info on the new structure).
The Union Structure Committee also developed a proposed budget to support Local 5441’s new structure (see back page for proposed interim budget) and recommend a dues rate to members that will support the budget and new structure. The committee unanimously supported the proposed interim budget and a dues rate of 1.7% to achieve this budget and level of servicing.