International Women’s Day – March 8, 2023

March 8th is International Women’s day. A day of recognition.

Let’s continue to raise awareness in a world that’s diverse, equitable and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated, highlights the critical difference between equity and equality

Let’s celebrate women’s achievements, come together in solidarity to raise awareness about discrimination. Take action to drive gender parity.

!!!!! International Women’s Day belongs to everyone, everywhere. !!!!

CUPE 5441, Executive board members, trustees and stewards wishes all women everywhere.

!!!! Happy International Women’s Day !!!!

Your Equality Coordinator,
Cheryl Belgrave

Service & Clerical Collective Agreement Ratification Vote Results


The results are a whopping 87.9% said YES!

Thank you for taking the time to review the new changes to the Collective Agreement to Local Provisions and for your continual support. The Negotiation Committee and the Executive Board Officers have worked hard to represent you needs. Remember we have re-opened monetary and non-monetary at the central table and we hope to make gains there as well.

Rahel Woldeselassie

CUPE L. 5441

Service & Clerical Collective Agreement Ratification

On November 28, 2022 last year, we presented to you the newly negotiated Local Issues portion of the Sept. 29, 2021- Sept. 28, 2023 Collective Agreement for both Service and Clerical employees. After the general membership meeting, we started the ratification vote, but while that vote was running, Bill 124 was overturned allowing bargaining for … Read more