Election Results – SJHC Site VP (1-year) & Lead Stewards (1-year)

The Nominations and Elections for: SJHC Site Vice President, SJHC Lead Steward, PHC Lead Steward, SMH Lead Steward Clerical have concluded. Thank you to all the nominees who put themselves forward. This electronic vote took place from Thursday November 25, 2021 at 12pm through Sunday November 28, 2021 at 12pm.

Congratulations to the elected Executive Officers of CUPE 5441:

SJHC Site Vice President:  Joseph Dias (elected)

PHC Lead Steward:  Elkin Greig (elected)


Congratulations to the acclaimed  Executive Officers of CUPE 5441:

SJHC Lead Steward:  Kay Jones (acclaimed)

SMH Lead Steward Clerical:  Cheryl Belgrave (acclaimed)