Resignation of Lead Steward Service – St Joe’s site

Hi everyone,
Please see attached announcement regarding Danielle Irwin’s resignation. We appreciate all her hard work and what she brought to our executive. Danielle is moving to St. Michael’s Hospital to work as an RPN beginning October 10, 2020. We wish her of course all the best in her future endeavors!

CUPE Local 5441
Unity Health Toronto
St Joe’s St Mike’s Providence


OCHU/CUPE Membership Bargaining Survey – 2020

Dear CUPE Hospital Members,

Central bargaining begins in the spring of 2021. It will set the pattern for over 50,000 hospital and long-term care staff represented by the Canadian Union of Public Employees in Ontario.

It is important that your central bargaining committee know exactly what improvements you want from the next round of bargaining. We will judge the success of negotiations by our members’ reaction to the end result.

Your local union leaders will attend a provincial bargaining conference in November 2020 where the priorities for bargaining will be decided based upon this survey.

Bargaining in 2021 will be challenging given the provincial government’s compensation restraint policy. We will need your full participation in the campaign to push for a contract that respects our members dedication and skill.

Throughout this process we will be issuing bulletins to update you.

Thank you,

Michael Hurley, President
Sharon Richer, Secretary-Treasurer
Louis Rodriguez, First V.P.
Ontario Council of Hospital Unions/CUPE