Day of Action Thursday, May 14, 2020

Day of Action Thursday, May 14, 2020
As many of you are aware, the government has unfairly announced that not all healthcare workers will be getting the pandemic pay promised on April 24, 2020. All Ontario Hospitals within OCHU/CUPE are planning a day of action tomorrow May 14, 2020 at shift change to demand equal pay for equal work.
Please come and join us at any of the 3 main sites within Unity Health Toronto:
Providence Healthcare  2pm-4pm join us on St. Claire Avenue near the bus stop outside of Hospital
St. Joseph’s Healthcentre  2pm-4pm join us on the Queensway in front of the Hospital
St. Michael’s Hospital  2pm-4pm join us at the corner of Shuter and Victoria outside the Hospital
We have Poster boards prepared with the hashtags for this campaign and the different classifications that have not been included in the pandemic pay. We have also come to learn that there are changes planned for the Directive #5 by watering down use of N95 masks, which currently protects ALL healthcare workers. 
Both of these changes affect us all and we hope that you will join us in our campaign to convince the Government that we are being unfairly treated. Our Employer Unity Health Toronto, wants to pay every worker the pandemic pay and are working with the Ontario Hospital Association to support us.
We hope that this day of action will make a difference and look forward to your support.
Please use the following video to share on social media and get the word out about the unfair treatment of all healthcare workers:


Please use the following hashtags along with any classification that is not included: #fairness4healthcare #savelivesn95s
Together we are stronger, never forget, this is the new us! 
CUPE 5441