SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Appointment of New Table Officer

Title: CUPE 5441 Executive Chief Steward changed to Executive Grievance Officer

Special Announcement:
Please note that Mailo Padillo has resigned and is no longer Executive Chief Steward for Local 5441 as of April 1, 2020.

In consultation with our CUPE National Representative, and CUPE National President’s Office, Roy Vargas has been appointed as the Interim Executive Grievance Officer until elections take their normal course in November 2020.
Roy can be reached at the same email address and phone number found on 5441.cupe.ca/contact-us 

During this difficult time of staffing shortages and an Emergency Order by the province that gives the Hospital power to supersede our Collective Agreement when it comes to leaves of absences, scheduling, etc. – we are doing our best to work on releasing our Interim Executive Grievance Officer. As such, kindly note that Roy will be working on a limited basis until mid-June 2020.

If you have any Grievance related matters please continue to contact your Lead Stewards and Site Vice Presidents assigned to your Hospital. We encourage you to do so until we announce that our Interim Executive Grievance Officer is able to function to the full capacity of the office.

Please be assured as an Executive we are working together to ensure that Grievances are being followed up on and handled appropriately during this time of transition.

If you have any questions related to this special announcement please email them to my attention.

CUPE Local 5441
Union Email: p