COVID-19 Update – March 26, 2020

As many of you are aware there are daily changes happening across all sites within Unity Health Toronto. 

The most recent update is on the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) that was passed yesterday.

This CERB is back-dated to March 15, 2020 and lasts for 4 months. 

Details about how to apply and what proof will be needed for childcare claims is still to come. However, this is great information on provincial benefits for those who are accessing income replacement, especially if you are part-time/casual.

Please click this link for more information on the CERB and how to apply:

In addition, to this link, we also want to take a moment to comment on the Emergency Provincial Order that was sent on Sunday March 22, 2020. 

This Order allows Unity Health Toronto to redeploy staff where they are needed most during a 14-day period which ends on April 5, 2020. This Order may be extended for an additional 14-days by the Provincial Government. 

If you have any questions around this Order please contact your site representatives on the Executive. 

If you are directly affected by a redeployment it is important that you let us know immediately. 

A redeployment is one or more of the following:

1) Reduction in hours (example: per day, per week)

2) Change of shifts (example: from days to evenings)

3) Change of work site (example: working at SMH instead of SJHC, or working from Home)

4) Lay off (example: asked to stay home because you are not needed, there is no work for you)

5) Performing duties outside of your normal job duties (example: Housekeeping doing Clerical duties)

6) Reduction in wages (example: paid a lower rate of pay for doing duties outside of your normal job)

Also – if you are aware of any non-union/contract employees performing duties that are normally performed by union members only please contact us.

These are challenging times, if you require any further information or have other  work-related questions that we can assist you with please do not hesitate to contact an Executive representative at your site. Our contact information can be found at 

We encourage all to stay safe and vigilant as we work through this difficult time together.

Working together for you always,

CUPE Local 5441 Executive Board