Get to know your union: What does our local union structure look like?

Current CUPE 5441 representation at Unity Health Toronto (UHT).

Current elected executive & stewards.

Appointed interim stewards with expertise & training.

Current elected executive & stewards for both service & new clerical.

Assigned CUPE National Staff and hospital sector team.

Where are we now?

Scheduling training for new stewards happens in November & December.

A restructuring committee with representation from all three UHT sites is being established. This committee participates in a discussion on the process and structure for the new CUPE 5441 local.

Next steps

  • Members vote on proposed structure & on common CUPE 5441 dues rate.
  • CUPE 5441 elections for all executive offices & stewards for all sites; clerical, service & chaplains.
  • CUPE 5441 members elect by-law committee.By-law committee prepares new CUPE 5441 by-laws.
  • Members vote on new CUPE 5441 by-laws.

Getting new contracts: What CUPE 5441 members should know

CUPE 5441 (which includes about 3500 Unity Health Toronto (UHT) clerical, service and spiritual care practitioners employees) are now officially certified as one united CUPE Local.

Working terms & conditions are FROZEN.

There are no changes to your current terms of employment & working conditions until a complete new collective agreement is ratified. This will come at different times for each bargaining unit within CUPE 5441. 

Where are we now?

  • Spiritual Care Practitioners have completed bargaining their first Collective Agreement and ratified it.
  • Negotiate interim composite agreements for CUPE 5441 clerical & service (composite agreements include some CUPE language for all members for seniority, layoff/recall, grievances, job postings).

What’s going to happen soon?

  • CUPE 5441 clerical & service members vote to ratify a complete new collective agreement.
  • CUPE 5441 bargaining committees work towards completing wage harmonization for clerical & service.
  • C&W Services will elect their bargaining committee and prepare proposals during Summer 2021.