UHT Refusing to Bargain a 1st Contract for Spiritual Care workers

UHT Wont Bargain a 1st Contract for Chaplains – Wants to Take Positions out of the Union.

CUPE’s Chaplain Bargaining Committee has been negotiating with UHT for a first collect agreement.

After 9 days of bargaining NOTHING has been agreed to.

The employer refuses to bargain until there is an agreement to exclude some union positions from the bargaining unit.

Refusing to negotiate a contract until the bargaining unit description issue is resolved violates the Labour Relations Act.

CUPE has filed for conciliation and has lodged an Unfair Labour Practice complaint to push the employer back to the table and to bargain in good faith.


  • You have a clear legal right to wear a sticker in the hospital.
  • CUPE has advised the hospital that CUPE members will be wearing stickers
  • CUPE will take action if the hospital asks you to remove them.
  • Get your sticker from your local executives or from one of our organizers who will be distributing them starting on August 15th.

Clerical at UHT vote overwhelmingly in favour of CUPE

348 CUPE members at St. Joseph’s Health Centre Toronto will continue to be represented by CUPE. And, approximately 700 non-union clerical employees at Providence Healthcare Toronto and St. Michael’s Hospital will now also be represented by CUPE.


Regardless of the interference from the employer and SEIU to try and persuade workers to vote non-union, the vote results are:

  • 533 in favour of CUPE representation
  • 168 against

CUPE welcomes all the new members at Unity Health Toronto to CUPE. These new members will officially be represented by CUPE once a final decision comes from the Ontario Labour Relations Board which takes approximately 2 weeks.

Once this happens CUPE will be setting up a meeting for this new CUPE clerical group. Watch for details!