On November 28, 2022 last year, we presented to you the newly negotiated Local Issues portion of the Sept. 29, 2021- Sept. 28, 2023 Collective Agreement for both Service and Clerical employees. After the general membership meeting, we started the ratification vote, but while that vote was running, Bill 124 was overturned allowing bargaining for this Collective Agreement to re-open, and therefore the ratification vote was halted.

In the meantime, OCHU/CUPE have scheduled compensation talks (for wages and other monetary issues in the Central agreement), with the Hospital/OHA for Mar. 23 & 24, 2023, with an Arbitration date of May 10th, if no agreement is reached. The Local Executive, in consultation with CUPE National reviewed the remaining local monetary issues that we had originally proposed, and that could now be reintroduced. As most of those proposals would have a minor impact for most of the members, and as we are returning to bargaining this fall for the next Collective Agreement and can reintroduce the same proposals, the Executive determined that the local issues non-monetary language we had already negotiated was a greater priority for the membership, than any remaining local monetary issues.

Simply Voting will be sending out ballots Thursday March 2, 2023 at 12pm.

If you require assistance during the voting period, or have any questions please contact Support@CUPE5441.ca